anamed Cameroon

Contact us
If you are interested to know more about us contact us, please:
Rev. Samuel Ngnitedem : 677 751 658 /670 466 674 /697 252 545
Rev. Sr. Ann Emmanuel Dinla: 677 779 444 / 690 756 071 /679 854 823
Fix phone for GEH: 243 035 485
BUI: Boniface Litika, PB 88 Kumbo, Tel +237 706 9938,
Our Aim
… is aiming at improving the health status in the community and support local people in developing self-confidence, increases their knowledge in using healing plants and also learning different ways to prevent communicable diseases including mode of transmission.
What we are doing
We are creating awareness at community level about the use of medical plants by conducting anamed seminars and treating people who are seek by using natural medicine.
All international anamed semiars are published on the website of anamed international. For national seminars contact us, please.

- Arrival of participants
- Arrival of Facilitators/organizer at 12:30pm
- Organization of materials
- Lunch at 1pm
- Opening prayer/Animation
- Introduction
- Samuel Ngnitedem gave the preamble of the seminar and then distributed seminar files (Exercise books, seminar work book, time table, pens etc). He gave some instruction.11participants were present at the opening and he said four others were awaited. Also in the files was a ‘’Tentative’’ timetable. Tentative because it was not scrupulously followed, so he went forward explaining that there may be changes as events unfolds.
- Devotion 7:30-8:00am
- Breakfast 8:00am
- Lunch 1:00pm
- Diner 6:pm
- Self-presentation of participants which were both international, national and within the Country, one from Zimbabwe, two from Nigeria, five from Douala, and three from Bamenda making a total of 11 participants for the seminar.A video of the past seminar was watched to enable the participants to have a clue on what to expect. We went forward to watch another video titled “Inside the living body” the video was all about the developmental stages, from conception, old age and death. This video made us to understand that “Our life is just like a photocopy which fades as we grow older. Deaths like life are a scientific process.After this video came dinner and adjournment
Day 2 (July 24 2017)
The seminar started at 7:30am with morning devotion led by the national coordinator of ANAMED Rev Samuel, N. with the meditation from the book of Exodus 15: 22-27 based on the Theme “Go to the Healer” and the moral lesson drawn from the meditation was ‘For I am the Lord that healeth’.
Reflection questions were given to be discussed in groups but it was not managed well because of time.
We had breakfast and after that we had a presentation on “Anti-microbial and Hematinic properties of Artemisia annual by, Mr.Apeh Victor Onukwube (PhD student,University of Nigeria ) where he talked about the importance of Artemisia, that soaking Artemisia ethanol (alcohol) could bring the best out of it especially the antioxidant nutrients.
In addition to that we had lectures on how to grow Artemisia and at 1pm we had lunch.
We later on proceeded with a lecture given by one of the organizers on the background of the plant Artemisia and how it’s used to cure other diseases especially cancer. Two demonstrations on drying were carried out using the tent and the other was on how the solar energy functions.
We had dinner at 7:30 pm and ended the day with an educative movie titled “Hallelujah diet”
Day 3 Wednesday 25th July 2017 at 7:30am began with opening prayer and then meditation. The activities for this day started late for about 20 minutes with breakfast before Reflection. This was done in order to meet up with other guests that were already ready to attend to us. It began with the reflection on the, Theme: Commissioned to heal. Discussions were drawn from the book of: Matt 10:5-8. It was pointed out that God uses his disciples as his healing hands. Jesus commissioned his disciples to go and heal, teach and save lives.
- It was therefore concluded that, we are called to provide selfless care for the sick and suffering and to share the burden of Jesus.
- Visited the herbal garden for identification of herbs and their functions. This was coordinated by Rev brother Kingsley and Rev. pastor Samuel Ngnitedem, who systematically guided the participants through herbal garden. After visiting the garden back in the hall participants had some time for reflection there after Lunch at 1:30 pm, the various groups did their presentation 30 minutes after lunch based on the reflection questions during the morning devotion. There was also a presentation on the various types of medicinal plants (advantages, uses, effects) etc and how they are being grown, These advantages were closely reviewed by the participants and the coordinator.
Day 4 Thursday 26th July 2017, opens up at7:00am with Reflections under the theme: “Cry for Healing”. We are mandated to further the healing ministry of Jesus and this is not restricted to the health professionals, hospitals and health agencies. After breakfast (8:00 to 8:30), there was a review of the past days of the seminar. Shalom Jaila reviewed the activities of Sunday 23th July and Monday 24th July 2017. Later on was a video presentation on the Moringa by Rev. Samuel N. the coordinator, which was based on the species of Moringa, but ANAMED uses and study just 2 types: Moringa Oleifera and Moringa Stenopetala. The botanical details was seen, the fruit, leaves, flower, moringa diagram, moringa seed, moringa ovule etc.
Uses of moringa
- Water treatment.
- Nutritional supplement.
- Erosion control.
- Mechanical lubricant.
- Living fence.
- Lucky charm.
- Aphrodisiac.
- Diabetic patients, etc…
Leaves are delicious when prepared in food in small quantity, contains vitamins A, C, calcium, potassium, protein. As nutritional supplement, it is very rich. As far as moringa is concerned, the presentation was done by participants using the documents that were distributed showing the major functions/work of moringa. The functions includes among others, for treatment of osteoporosis, vision empowerment, brain activator, natural cure for diabetes, hypertension, management of pregnancy and lactating mother, anti-aging property and antioxidant. This exercise in the field intended for plant identification was interrupted by rains from time to time. Hand-outs were distributed to all participants on the following topics.
- Concerned for skincare.
- Characteristics of moringa
- Harmful effects of cosmetic soap.
Launch (1:10 to 2:13pm)
- From 2:13 pm a hand-out was shared which concerns how to prevent cholera
- Another hand-out showing techniques used to form the interior part of a solar oven lead to a practical exercise.
There after we had the last presentation for the day based on Moringa the natural cure for diabetes. The next item was a series of productions
- How to produce savon (soap)?
- Material needed for this production include: foaming agent, clay, unit of measurement (tin tomato container), Aloe vera gel, vegetable oil, and caustic soda. The production was done successfully and satisfactory.
- Production of rubbing oil
- Material needed: Jelly or paraphine gel, Cruder, preserver, steric acid, borax acid, essential oil (perfume from plants), carrots juice and warm water.
- The black stone
- Material: a purified pieces of white stone (obtained from the leg bone of a cow and Aluminium fuel paper and carbonized on fire using charcoal pot until it gets black colour
The following ointments were produced:
- Ointment for anti-haemorrhoid
- Moringa infused medicinal oil
This exercise went through successfully and participants were warned never to use the following:
- Never use aluminium pots except for silver pots..
- Boil ointments for a period of 1 hour and never do so above 100 degree centigrade.
- Industrial thermometer is very necessary for these exercises.
- Checking of the pot and stirring should always be done at intervals of 15 mn.
- Treatment for fungi must go on for at least 6 Months.
After supper which lasted from 8:00pm to 8:30 pm, the last activity for the day was to label the various containers of the ointments produced. Finally a replay of ‘Health and wellness serminar’, part one was shown for better understanding. The day ended at 9:30pm.
Day 5 Friday 27TH JULY 2017Day 5, opening prayer with some ANAMED songs and then meditation. Activities of this day started at 7:00 am with reflection. This was titled “Good worker Health and hygiene practice”. 1Cor 12:27-30 we were instructed to set our hearts on the most important gift and we are all called to be healers along with God. Breakfast 8:15– 9:15 am
From 9:15 till break the following presentation were made;
- Typhoid treatment using Artemisia, neem plant and Cassia alata.
- Detailed description of neem plant and its functions.
- Bee propolis, its characteristics and function.
- How to deal with cholera (prevention and treatment) especially based on the principles of hygiene.
- Techniques of water purification such as using moringa oleifera, household water selection and treatment.
- Technique on how to preserve and use vitamin C from lemon.
A series of hand-outs to supplement the presentations were given to all participants.
- How to grow medicinal herbs
- Medicinal herb as food
- Artemisia and AIDS
- Extraction of pawpaw sap for the treatment of skin diseases such as infected wounds.
- How to use a development meter made with the local material and sample distributed to the participants. This determines the level of nourishment in children less than 5years.
A hand-out was also given to guide and influence reflection on intended projects.
The following practical work was done
- Anti-Rheumatism ointment (using ingredients like vegetable oil, elemi or encens, eucalyptus globulus, chilli, and bee wax.
- Moringa oil.
- Black Stone.
- Activated charcoal.
- Production of tooth powder using salt, Red clover and barks of neem plant.
- The production of medicated soap was also done.
These exercises ended at 8:00pm. There was no video presentation given that participants have assignments to prepare for the individual presentation on Saturday 28th July 2017 on any two medicinal plants.
Day 6 Saturday 28th July 2017, started with meditation at 7:30am from James 5:13-16. The reflection was centred on Faith. Group pictures, display of medicines and beauty products during the week long program of ANAMED training in the practice of natural medicine and lasted for about 45mins. Launch was served at 1pm, right away after launch, all the seminar participants gave a detail explanation of two plants each as a proof of mastery of lessons taught during the week. The defence session was witnessed by the organisers. He closed up by thanking the participants for collaboration towards the success of the activities of the seminar then he went over to hand over end of course certificates to trainees. The closing ceremony marked with the blessings of medicines ended at about 2:13pm with the distribution of natural medicine and beauty products produced during the training session to all the participants.